When the star daffodil unfolds its white flowers across the mountain meadows between May and June, the Ausseerland is immersed in a magical sea of flowers. That's exactly when we celebrate in Aussee the Narzissenfest. This year it takes place for the 63rd time from June 1st to June 4th, 2023. Treat yourself to a little break and enjoy the wonderful spring with all its colors and scents - feel the Ausseerland with us!
These six things you must know about the largest flower festival in Austria, the Daffodil Festival in Ausseerland know before you visit it:

Daffodil flower
Every year between mid-May and mid-June, the famous star daffodil blooms in the Ausseerland Salzkammergut region and transforms the idyllic mountain and lake landscapes around the Loser into a fragrant sea of flowers.

Daffodil Highnesses
Every year three new Daffodil Highnesses are chosen by a jury. They are then the representatives of the Ausseerland for one year. Did you know that the daughter of the house, Katharina Thomanek, is the acting daffodil princess?

How a daffodil figure is made
How many hours the people from Aussee spend on their daffodil figures can be experienced in many places in the Ausseerland. The day before the parade, many volunteers work all night long - join them and enjoy!

Boat parade
From Wednesday to Sunday there is a party in Aussee. The highlight, however, always takes place on Sundays: in the boat parade across Lake Altaussee, all the figures are pulled across the lake in traditional boats. A spectacle that you won't soon forget...
Daffodil figures
From the very first idea to the finished figure, many work steps have to be done: From the true-to-scale planning to the production of a frame with a wire mesh cover, you finally stick the self-picked daffodils onto the figure.
Regional cuisine
Whether at the Night of Narcissus in Bad Aussee or the public sticking of narcissus onto the figures in several towns at the Ausseerland - with music and culinary delicacies, the people of Aussee always ensure the well-being of all visitors.

Die Narzissenblüte verwandelt viele Wiesen des Ausseerland Salzkammerguts in weiße Blütenmeere. Ein Traum, der immer Ende Mai zur Wirklichkeit wird und viele Einheimische sowie Gäste verzaubert.
Unser Tipp: Bei einer gemütlichen Wanderung zur Blaa Alm, erlebt man die Bergwiesen des Ausseerlands von ihrer schönsten Seite.

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